Thursday, February 28, 2008


Dear all,
Attached is the photos during CNY gathering and sorry for the bad quality.

Front (from left) : Angelina, Francine Yet, Jane, Sally Hwang, Grace Lee, Chiew Yen, Corrine Ngu
Back (From left) : Tung Joon, Gordon Lu, Kuo Hin & daughter, Robert Song,
Patrick Tay, Liang Kwang
Kneel (from left) : Sally'sr son, Liang's daughter, Liang's son
Sitting (from left) : Gordon Lu's wife & their sond, Tung Joon's wife & daugther, Kuo Hin's wife & son, Jane, Sally & son. Grace, Corrine & 2 son &, daughther (in red jacket), Francine Yet & daugther
Standing(from left) : Liang, Gordon Lu, Tung Joon & daughter, Kuo Hin & daughter, Robert, Liang's wife, Chiew Yen, Sally's husband (Behind Yen), Angelina, Patrick Tay, Francine Yet's husband

1 comment:

Eugene said...

Wow, seems like you guys had a great time. I know I'm not from your class but it's great seeing all your pictures after so long. Wish you all the best. Feel free to contact me at I'm currently in Perth, Western Australia.

Best regards

Eugene Lim